Friday, January 15, 2010

Iced Tea!

So.. mom asked me to do a post on food at some point..... .not really sure what to right.. so far its been nice, cheap, and tasty.
I usually eat for anyone from 40 - 80baht ($1~3). I usually eat rice or noodles with some sort of meat it, for some reason it is typically pork. If I get noodles its fried noodles, sometimes in soup form.. and sometimes just on a plate... with pork.
I have ordered the cashew chicken a few times.. and it is really good. I got a seafood soup at one point.... but the cut up crab legs in it kinda annoyed me... they were really hard to get the meat out of... and really you shouldn't be grabbing stuff out of your soup and then having to force it open with your hands... something just seems wrong with that.
I have also ate at this place called Cha Cha Cha..... which is probably the worst restaurant I have been to so far. It is WAY over priced... and the food isn't very good... but for some reason the other people in the course keep going back.

And for the fun note.... a few of the other people in the course have ordered iced tea occasionally and told me that is was pretty good.. but warned me that it was pretty sweet...(I am the only southerner from the US)... so I decided to randomly order it the other day to see how it was... and ya its pretty comparable to southern sweet tea.... I mean... its not hooligans sweet tea, but that shit could kill someone. yay sweet tea!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nope, wouldn't want to be fishing things out of my soup, either -- even if it was seafood.

    Ah, good old Southern sweet tea. Can anyone say sugar high?
