Saturday, December 10, 2011

Retarded internet company

So.... we got our internet set up when we first moved in. It took a few days to get it set up, so it was finally all done on October 5th. We paid for 1 year all up front because we didn't want to have to go pay them every month.

Gave them the money and our internet was on... good to go....

Well I haven't been online for a few days because i got up the other morning and .... . wtf no internet... well it happens sometimes.. so we went to work and figured it would be back on when we got home. Got home... no internet...... Alice calls them and they can't find out account because she has to have Chris' passport number (its in Chris' name). We get this from Chris and call them back on Saturday (our very busy day).

They tell Alice that we are a month behind on paying our bill.. so they shut off our internet and we need to come in and pay for it. WTF we paid for a year. But when they tell her sense we started using the internet on Oct 5th.. they made our year start on Nov 1st................ THANKS!

So, I amazingly don't have class this Sunday morning and went there to pay the internet bill for Oct and the HUGE late fee for being a month late................ some sort of notice would have been nice... or informed that our year wasn't starting when we PAID for everything......... yay for China.

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