After a year and a half in
Songyuan I am headed south. The time here has definitely had its ups and downs (as all places do) but I can definitely say I will miss it a little (except the winter).
The school I worked for ( Songyuan Earth Village Foreign Language School) was good. It got a little hectic at times with 5 Earth Village schools, 1 Joy school, and 1 Reach High adult school. The number of schools also left us running around the city a little but luckily Songyuan is so small it doesn't really take long to get from place to place.
My favorite school out of the three is Earth Village (which is a huge surprise to new teachers). The kids are all 8-15 and some are pretty crazy, but I find them to be less spoiled than the kids a Joy. The classes at Earth village are also a bit less structured than the Joy classes, which is tough when you first start teaching but after a while I find it more fun. This is were I taught most of my classes and where my favorites students are.
Joy is definitely the cleaner and nicer of the two kids schools. It is also more expensive than Earth Village. The classrooms are always well stocked with toys and since there is only one school you don't have to move around the city two much. The kids are a little richer and more spoiled but there are definitely still lots of great kids in Joy. The classrooms at Joy are also English only, the kids and teachers are not allowed to use Chinese in class. This makes the kids far most comfortable with speaking.
Reach High is by far the nicest school in Songyuan, but also the newest and most expensive. The classes are small ( 1-8 students) and all discussion based. These classes are great when you have students that like to talk (mostly higher level students in RH).
Most of the teachers in both schools are cool. Hanging out with them at school can be fun for helping them with their English and some will help you study Chinese. Though because we are in the middle of no where China, most of them aren't very likely to hang out with you outside of school (but some will).
The school technically has two bosses, Simon Sun and Kevin (not sure his last name.... I guess that kinda bad I don't know that...). Simon's English is very good and he is the boss you deal with the most. Kevin mostly handles Joy school, he understands a decent amount of English but speaks very little (mostly just "OK"). I ran into very few problems while I was here, they were usually very willing to help us with getting what we wanted out of our time in China. What I mean by this is that even though we have set vacation times, many teachers will take a week or so off of unpaid vacation to just travel around China and I never saw these requests refused. Simon (like most people in the world today) likes his money, but is very reasonable with us and I have never had a dispute about pay here.
The city itself has a strange charm to it. Though there is very little to do in the city (only 3 or 4 bars, none really that good), it gives you a lot of time to study without distraction. The winter is a little hard because its so cold you don't spend any time outside. Summer is amazing... the city is FLAT!! and biking around is amazingly easy (once you get used to the crazy traffic). There are only around 20 foreigners in the city (but this has grown a lot since i got here a year and half ago) so you can make a lot of Chinese friends. Most people don't speak much English here ("HEELLOO" is about the extent) so you can get amazing amounts of practice speaking Chinese.
The city is kind of in the middle of no where, and only about 10 years out of being a little village. So it isn't very westernized and there are a lot of things that take a bit of getting used to. But most people are very friendly here and always willing to give you a free beer if you drink with them.
It definitely will be interesting leaving here. Many people have asked me if I am coming back, and though I do like the city it is to far out of the way of any of my other travel destination to probably even come back. Many people will be missed.
Next Post: Pictures with my students and Chinese teachers!