Saturday, October 16, 2010

OMG Snow!

ok... so ya... it got cold fast! One month ago I took a nice long bike ride and it was hot...Chris went the majority of the ride with now shirt it snowed at like 1 in the afternoon.. .and then again randomly every once in awhile for the rest of the afternoon. None of it stuck to the ground.. but it was pretty to watch come down, especially from the classroom I was teaching in at the time....... 8th floor of a building... two of the walls were windows..... pretty awesome. I think I am ready for winter... though...I will definitely miss my bike and playing outside all the time...... but ready or not.... ITS HERE!

Also... Chris read through some of my blog the other day and gave me a little bit of hell for the spelling and grammar problems in my blog... but...... I justify that by the fact that this is all just coming strait out of my head..... and I don't read back over it or even give it a second glance.... hell, your lucky if I am even looking at the screen when I am typing it :)


  1. Pictures, pictures. We southern folk want pictures! Ohhhhh Snow....

  2. "Chris went the majority of the ride with now shirt on" ....your dedication to studying Chinese is melting the English out of your brain!!! Also, I would never be caught dead wearing a 'now shirt'

  3. Blog grammar and spoken word are very different. I think we can forgive you but only if you write more posts! =)
