Monday, June 28, 2010

Event in the park

I decided to walk home from one of the branch schools yesterday and walked past a park that I haven't really spent much time in, when I noticed all the balloons and shit meaning that something is happening...... I decided to take a look.

I saw a nice crowd of people around a stage.. and then some people wearing what looked like newspaper prom dresses....not sure what that was for. They had bunch of instruments on stage, that I can't remember the name of but I know they sound really pretty.... so I decided to stick around for a bit and watch.

Then there were random people singing and some pretty interesting dances... I recorded a little bit of some of them. As it got dark it got really hard to make the camera focus. Also.... i know the videos are shaky.... but I don't have a tripod and I am standing in the middle of a crowd. In one of the videos you will notice when someone decides its time to shove his way by me and then try to stand in front of me... the camera just goes WAY off to the side.


  1. I couldn't get any sound to come through on these vids but Oh, I really like the fan veils!!

    "Next week on stage, Foreign guy with Hoops." That's what the signage says, Just thought I'd tell ya. :)

  2. Thats weird...I just watched them on the site and the sound works.... o well...

    Ya.... I probably could very quickly get some performance jobs here.. but.... haven't really asked around for the right person to talk to. I am thinking about it though.
