Tuesday, February 23, 2010

China is CRAZY!!!

The taxi ride to the hotel in the middle of the night was pretty easy.. not many cars out and no one on the street. The next morning was a completely different story though!

The first thing I saw when I left the hotel was a shit ton of cars and people.... and in the middle of the cars a man walking a donkey that was pulling a cart through the street with all the cars! I had to work really hard to not bust out laughing.

The traffic was very hectic and people just kinda cross the street anywhere and stand in the middle letting cars move around them. I watched a few people get off one of the city buses..... it was actually pretty impressive... the bus never came to a full stop it just slowed down and opened the door... and two girls jumped off.

The bus ride to Songyuan wasn't to bad, about 2.5 hours. Rolland made sure he bought us tickets for seats at the bus station. A little bit outside of the station, the bus stopped and a bunch of people packed in the anywhere there was space (though there were no seats at this point). Someone passed out a few little stools but some people still had to stand...... tickets are cheaper outside of the station :)

The traffic in Songyuan is much calmer. I have not gotten to see much of the city yet, but tomorrow I will see more. I am in my apt now and had dinner with my boss (who is very nice). I will do a whole post on my apt later.... with a video!

1 comment:

  1. It is funny! I can not help to keep laghing all the time!

