Happy 4th of July everyone!
We completely forgot about it.... until Chris saw Google's thing change for it. So all 5 of the americans in songyuan got together... we decided to grab some KFC and a few fireworks and head to the park.
We thought it would be easy to get fireworks.. but as with most things in songyuan... all the places selling fire works close up at 6 and it was like 7:30.... so we wondered around for a little bit asking random shops if they had any.. and at some point a random guy out for a jog decided he knew where some were and decided to lead us around. Another guy from one of the shops we asked in chased us down and started to help as well.. they eventually led us into the night market and then told us to wait for a minute and one of them ran off. He came back a few minutes later saying that he had called the guy that owned one of the shops by the night market and he was going to come back and open up the shop for us.
As we hurry towards the guys shop I hear "Jefu!" and some girl slaps my arm. I look at her for a second... am like... holy crap that voice is familiar.... and I am thinking.... i think its lili... I quickly check her hair and the red streaks are gone... she isn't wearing the spike earrings either... but I am pretty sure its her... I totally can't think of how to respond to her at all in Chinese beside just saying hello.. and Natasia kinda pushes me forward and is like "say bye to the girl... we are going" so I kinda wave and try to catch up with everyone... who hadn't gone far... and the shop was really close.
So the guy totally wasn't there yet to open the shop(at this point I had time to fully figure it out and knew for sure it was LiLi).... I told Natasia that that was LiLi as I was looking around to see how far she had gotten... I still wanted to go talk to her. She was still really close... they had gone down a side street that doesn't go anywhere.. so they were back almost right next to us.. but still a decent amount of people between us.........so.... of course I whip out the LED hoop and put on a quick show.. and it took no time to build a nice crowd... including LiLi. I was able to go talk to her for a little bit.. basically just asked her where she was working...and how she was doing... I was only able to understand a little bit.. but seemed like she was doing well. I was still having a bit of trouble putting together anything good in Chinese... but o well.. I hadn't really prepared any sentences in my head for a situation like that... I guess I need to.
Anyways.... we got our fireworks and went to the park. It was a lot of fun... then we decided to go to a KTV to sing some English songs. We tried 1978... but they don't have the KTV part of the bar anymore.. which kinda sucks...but I put on a little hooping show there... and everyone else got up and danced at one point.. so it was good. Then we finally went to another KTV that has a lot of songs in English and had a pretty good time. It was a nice little celebrations.